Dear Scott, What a nostalgic poems that instantly brought back my childhood memory ! Let me change some of the wordings just for your reference, just for fun and for testing of different words with different nuances.
細人搞頭王 滿褲袋仔木浪子 泥粉滿面像花貓 ( 淰淰 浡浡nem nem pud pud,會使人聯想到阿港个酒,表面張力)
騎車河背遶 (聊天,料涼,遶料,遶田洋,遶街) lau 南山木橋長又高 橋板燒孔喂屎多 (萬金伯跳水死,喂屎多,疑問多,錢多命歪冇較贏)
Write your childhood episodes or World War II experiences into Hakka 3lines poems for pleasure or for records to enlighten our younger generations with Taiwanese identity and to solidify Taiwan consensus.
Dear Scott,
ReplyDeleteWhat a nostalgic poems that instantly brought back my childhood memory !
Let me change some of the wordings just for your reference, just for fun and for testing of different words with different nuances.
( 淰淰 浡浡nem nem pud pud,會使人聯想到阿港个酒,表面張力)
騎車河背遶 (聊天,料涼,遶料,遶田洋,遶街) lau
橋板燒孔喂屎多 (萬金伯跳水死,喂屎多,疑問多,錢多命歪冇較贏)
Write your childhood episodes or World War II experiences into Hakka 3lines poems for pleasure
or for records to enlighten our younger generations with Taiwanese identity and to solidify Taiwan consensus.
All the best,
CS Lou