Friday, June 6, 2014


Hi, 羅 先生,

Thank you very much for your email to praise both Lady Tsuai and Ambassador Wu in their ability and competence to meet new challenges in the days, months and years to come. Let's wish them both a ton of luck!

It is sad to learn that 「客家事務部」was not posted or mentioned in several articles while I read the Liberty Times yesterday and today. They must be too excited to remember those lonely and unwanted Hakka along Tai-3-Route. I wonder who is heading that department now. Congratulation to Azen tol be in charge of 「台灣民主學院」.






Where does DPP have that kind of money to do this sort of things? Well, it is a very good question. It's also a very easy question to answer, I think. Ask around to find it. 記得,敗選那年,回美之前,向彰化吳 老師請益之旅中,他說過,「在中、小企業界,支持民進黨的不少,要﹝找﹞捐十億台幣不難。」And try hard to raise the fund, too. Actually, there are all kinds of resources that LT, Secretary General Wu and DPP could use to set up 「百姓服務站」. For example, 「關西小英辦公室」is the best place to be one. What about those residences of those local party officials, royal party members and die-hard DPP supporters to be available, a couple of hours  a day and three times a week(like office hours of those professors in the universities or colleges) for the services(服務)? That should not cost much money, shouldn't it? To me, that is the way and the only way to win the trust of people. Speaking of services, the one, 「課後輔導母語、英文」Big Ben mentioned in his 「十全十美」計畫, could be considered. Of course, someone would defy this idea of mixing services and politics together. However, they would change their minds if could understand at least these: (1) politics = public affairs and services to the public can be anything, aren't they? (2) KMT has been doing 「服務民眾」(reaching out to help people's needs as well as promote/increase its party membership) for more than half a century. In my humble opinion, just build(meaning start to do it), they would come one by one. DPP would gradually win back people's trust.


Happy Rice Ball(粽仔節、肉粽節) Day!

With respect,

Big Ben  5/29/2014

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