Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Hi, Ben,

Let’s continue the argumentation about Lady Tsuai’s Manifesto (和而不同,和而求同)

Firstly, let’s translate the catch-phrases into English, so as to remind Richard Bush and Barbara Schrage (former AIT CEO) and the other US officials about the core values of the catch-phrases. (mutual understanding, mutual accommodation, mutual adjustment, so as to lead the Taiwanese and the Chinese peoples to seek a better mutual understanding of each other, the roots and of world they are dwelling in, just for co-existence in peace and in harmony).

Secondly, human being, especially the Chinese people and the American alike, should understand the earth, or the Global village in modern language, never belongs to any country or any human-being in the world, but (to be) a floating tiny particle in the universe or the cosmos.  All human beings are nothing but a passenger of this tiny earth of the universe.  And the wind of the Nature is always calling you for “Enjoy your journey of life to your heart’s content, and not to argue or fight against one another for a selfish ownership of the universe.” Hah, ha the wind is right and honest to call out
our attention at all times.

Thirdly, for more than half a century, many world famous politician like Nixon, Kissinger, Tanaka of Japanese PM, Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore, the selfish English politicians and recently Richard Bush and Barbara Schrage included have been so used to advise the KMT Regimes in Taiwan and Lady Tsuai as now, not to resist PRC’s calling for unification, just because PRC is too big and formidable to fight against. Nonsense! If the Taiwanese people really want to unify with or to surrender to the PRC, they don’t need those bad-eggs’ advice to do it at the expense of the Taiwanese people, at any time.
Why do the Taiwanese people need those SoB’s assistance to do it! If those Sobs really want to be a historically great name in the world, they should advise PRC to recognize Taiwan as a sovereign nation of the world and to share Taiwan’s well-being, services and contributions to world with the Taiwanese people. Their selfish advice is to serve their own selfish intention only!





I haven’t written an English composition for quite a long time.
I hope I have made what I had in mind well understood by you in my not so expressive
English as such above. Thank you for your patience in reading what I had tried to express
in my poor composition. Responsive answer will be made upon receipt of your question. Hah, ha.

Best regards,

CS Lou 3/25/2015

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