Dear Dennis:I appreciate this one very much! Good job.Thomas 1/7/2014
1/8/2014 from CS Lou ---勇者毋驚暗雖然人多好作伴勇者暗路孤獨隨。 (隨,行 seems to be more active in meaning) 暗路,暗中,險路,險境could be an alternative.勇者坐先行 (勇者先行) (坐 ,作 is alright, 佇 du, dui, tsuo are OK to use)人多勢眾力量大 (How about 人多示眾勢力大)勇者點火帶頭行。 (打頭陣 is another nuance)勇者毋貪生蜉蝣眾生隨生死勇者犧牲照(or罩)別sa。(照亮or像阿母危境護子)為眾生,顧or 照別儕seems to be too small in scale. Right?勇者毋求名是非清楚為理想 (是非分明,是非正義,乜做得用)勇者走後留風潮。(..留夲後代價值觀) (風範,典範,乜做得用)
Dear Dennis:
ReplyDeleteI appreciate this one very much! Good job.
Thomas 1/7/2014
1/8/2014 from CS Lou ---
勇者暗路孤獨隨。 (隨,行 seems to be more active in meaning) 暗路,暗中,險路,險境could be an alternative.
勇者坐先行 (勇者先行) (坐 ,作 is alright, 佇 du, dui, tsuo are OK to use)
人多勢眾力量大 (How about 人多示眾勢力大)
勇者點火帶頭行。 (打頭陣 is another nuance)
勇者犧牲照(or罩)別sa。(照亮or像阿母危境護子)為眾生,顧or 照別儕seems to be too small in scale. Right?
是非清楚為理想 (是非分明,是非正義,乜做得用)
勇者走後留風潮。(..留夲後代價值觀) (風範,典範,乜做得用)