Friday, January 19, 2018


Hi, Ben, Thomas and friends,

Yes, Hakka old sayings, proverbs or many Hakka colloquial expressions contain a lot of Hakka conventional wisdoms and wits that stand the test of time.

And I believe those conventional Hakka wisdoms will undoubtedly enhance our Hakka mentality and motivate our Hakka way of thinking and expression.

So, it is quite advisable for the younger Hakka generations to learn and to
get themselves familiarized with those Hakka old sayings and so forth. Don’t
you think so?

Well, let me paraphrase your previous Hakka 3Lines-Poems :



As to your questions about some Hakka idioms:

1. 浪浪洗洗: should be 囹囹誚誚 long long se se 譏諷。

2. 仙汁狼湯 : shouldbe 奾汁狼吞?

3. 律律不不: should be 骯髒,不修邊幅。讀lud lud bud bud。

4. 嘍狗相咬: should be 挑撥是非 in Chinese. 讀 leu gieu

5. 痾腟滑膿: should be 屙膿滑血, 胡說八道 in Chinese.

6. 搭搭蹄蹄: should be 溚溚渧渧, 拖泥帶水 in Chinese.

Language may change with time and the fashion of the ages.

For instance, 阿沙布魯 means 劣質品 or 不良品質的代用品。The word was used quite often during the Second World War, when a lot of staple fibers were used instead of wool, cotton or silk. So people used to naming staple-fiber-made products, fiber-product or 阿沙布魯
commodities. This is the origin of the word 阿沙布魯, as I know from my own

OK, that’s for all today, thank you so much for your cooperation in promoting H3LP at all times.

CS Lou, 2018/01/19

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