Monday, March 7, 2016


Hi, 羅 先生 and friends,

In responding to 阿龍 哥's recent call for a special edition of H3LP(客家三行詩) on 蔡英文主席/總統, I started to go through his collection of H3LPs( and found that I did behave badly by opening my big mouth and acting like a big fool in past few years. Luckily, she had been too busy on running her elections as well as forming her new governing body to view any piece of H3LP written about her. Moreover,
she won't bother and won't able to find out who we, little potatoes, are, because we are not asking/applying for any jobs in her newly-formed government.

By looking at most of H3LPs written on her including those in our exchanged emails(see below), I cared about and supported her all the way, didn't I? Time
indeed flies like an arrow. Now she won the election and will become the President of Taiwan(ROC) and helped DPP win 68 seats of 立法院 to be in a full control of governing. This overwhelming win causes two obvious impacts: arrogant becoming more arrogant(驕傲、驕傲、更驕傲) and humble becoming more humble(謙卑、謙卑、更謙卑). We witnessed this phenomenon in the very recent discussions on two overseas forum, FAPA's "Embrace Taiwan Independence and Dump ROC" and HAPA-NA's 「客家人覺醒吧!」Please tell me, will they get anywhere if they START at a wrong place? Perhaps, the following paragraph in a book, "Souls on Fire" of late Elie Wiesel would help all of us to get a good START and to enlighten ourselves.

       "But where was I to start? The world is so vast. I shall start with the country I know best, my own. But my country is so very large. I had better start with my town. But my town, too, is large. I had best start with my street. No: my home. No: my family. Never mind. I shall start with myself."

自家救自家 (自己救自己)
覺醒以後救家人 (親友、鄉親)
最後共下救家鄉 (國家、世界)


With your permission, I would like to go further and explore my thought on the subject, 「蔡英文關西辦公室」





To end this email, today's quotes of late George Bernard Shaw would inspire and motivate us to do more for our motherland, Taiwan as well as our newly-elected 蔡英文 總統. (note: Bernard Shaw, 1,856-1950, an Irish playwright, critic and controversialist whose influence Western theatre, culture and politics from 1,880s to 1950 and beyond.)

"Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."
"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing."
"Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot their minds cannot change anything."

Best regards,

Big Ben    華府顧門

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