Tuesday, August 28, 2018


Dear Thomas, 羅先生 and friends,

Like it or not, Big Ben has made up his mind to push this idea, 「強迫(JUMBLE)增強英語」
further into reality. For Taiwan, our motherland needing English proficiency to get onto/into global stage/community is well overdue. Here is a breaking news(click the link below)for your reference.




BB loves this word puzzle game a lot. He is doing daily to improve his English word power as well as to rejuvenate his old brain to stay away from dementia. Please challenge yourself to solve one or two puzzle.
You are more than welcome to share them with your friends, in particular, Hakka youngsters in Taiwan. Don’t worry! Big Ben will continue to provide more puzzles no matter what. Of course, he will give answers upon your request. How’s that!

Please kindly advise and help BB’s idea getting realized. He will be forever grateful!

Best Regards,

Big Ben
Washington, DC

1 comment:

  1. Dear BIG Ben:
    You might use the smart phone to download the JUMBLE APP and have your game on...
    Thomas 8.28.2018
