Sunday, December 22, 2013


德拉威Delaware第一The First State
一七八七入聯邦Union(Statehood: December 7, 1787)
羅尼騎馬顯威風﹝羅尼=General Caesar Rodney rode from Dover to Philadelphia to cast his deciding vote to break the tie in Delaware delegation and to join the revolution of independence.

賓夕凡尼亞Pennsylvania(Statehood: December 12, 1787)
南北民主个基石The Keystone State is a democratic stone in early 13 colonies.

麻塞諸賽州Massachusetts (Statehood: February 6, 1788)
海岸線長多海灣The Bay State near the Atlantic Ocean

紐約New York紐約市New York City(Statehood: July 26, 1788)
通往自由个大門Gateway to Freedom

新罕什爾州New Hampshire( Statehood: June 21, 1788)
生活自由冇使死﹝不然死﹞﹝Live Free Or Die!﹞
老人山頂望世界﹝Old Man of the Mountain is a rock formation at Mt. Cannon. Unfortunately, it fell from perch on May 3, 2003. 望=盼望、期望、探望、守望、、、﹞

羅特島﹝Rhode Island﹞賞鯨 (Statehood: May 29, 1790) (The Ocean State where you watch whales in the Atlantic Ocean.)
培爾大橋跨海灣﹝The Pell Bridge across Narragansett Bay; Pell=late Senator Claiborne Pell, a strong Taiwan supporter and a real buddy of  蔡同榮 委員。﹞
帆船比賽當有名﹝It is the sailing capital fof the world.﹞

喬治亞﹝Georgia﹞產桃  (The Peach State;Statehood: January 2, 1788.)
係南方帝國州﹝Empire State of South﹞

新澤西﹝New Jersey﹞突襲  (Statehood: December 18, 1787)
改變美國个命運﹝Crossroads of Revolution﹞
華盛頓一擊成功﹝Washington and his soldiers courageously crossed the frozen Delaware River on the Christmas night of 1776 into Trenton, New Jersey, and assaulted the British army with a surprise. The painting by Emmanuel Leutze in 1851 probably still hangs in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City.﹞

康乃蒂克州﹝Connecticut﹞(Statehood: January 9, 1788)
橡樹﹝Charter Oak﹞下囥憲章稿﹝The charter was taken and hidden under the Oak Tree to defy British colonial rules.﹞
象徵自由獨立魂﹝The Charter Oak on the quarter symbolized freedom and a spirit in rebellion.﹞

馬里蘭﹝Maryland﹞元老﹝練﹞﹝Statehood: April 28, 1788﹞﹝老仙=The Old Line State is a nickname for the State. The troops were praised by George Washington at end of line during the revolutionary war.﹞ 
州廳拱門古又奇﹝The Statehouse was built in 1722,  with the largest wooden dome built without a nail, and is still in use today.﹞
白橡樹命名州樹=White Oak is State tree.

南卡洛萊納﹝South Carolina (Statehood: May 23, 1788)
州樹棕櫚擋英軍﹝In 1776, Colonists in a small fort built by Palmetto logs defeated a British fleet trying to capture Charleston Harbor. Palmetto tree becomes a State tree.﹞
哥倫比亞係州都﹝Columbia is the State capital, shown by a star on the quarter. Both State bird, Carolina       wren and Jasmine flower, the State flower are on the coin, too.﹞

維吉尼亞州﹝Virginia (Statehood: June 25, 1788)
三船移民姆斯城﹝Three ships, Susan Constant, Godspeed and Discovery, brought the first English settlers to Jamestown, Virginia in 1607.﹞

北卡洛萊納﹝North Carolina﹞(Statehood: November 21, 1789)
人類頭次飛離地﹝First Flight﹞
萊特兄弟試飛On December 17, 1903, at the beach near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, one Wright brother actually flew through the air. The Flyer(name of the aircraft) traveled a distance about 37 meters(120 feet) on the first flight staying in the air for twelve seconds.﹞

佛蒙特﹝Vermont﹞綠山  (Statehood: March 4, 1791)﹝Green Mountain; The French words, Vert=Green and Mont=Mountain﹞
駱駝峯頂楓漿﹝The Camel Hump Mountain in Green Mountain area is noted for the best Maple syrup. Check the buckets hanging on two maple trees to collect the syrup on the quarter.﹞
自由團結為州訓﹝Freedom and Unity are State motto.﹞

田納西音樂﹝Tennessee﹞(Statehood:June 1, 1796)
小提琴喇叭吉他﹝Fiddle, Trumpet, Guitar﹞

傑出俄亥俄﹝Ohio﹞(Statehood: March 1, 1803); Birthplace of Aviation Pioneers
萊特兄弟創飛機﹝1905's Wright Flyer III was actually designed, tested and flown successfully on Huffman prairie near Dayton, Ohio.﹞
太空人揚名世界﹝Astronaut John Glen circled the Globe three times in the Friendship 7 orbiter on 2/20/62.
Astronaut Neil Armstrong is the first man to walk on the Moon on 7/20/69 during Apollo  11 mission. About 20 other astronauts including Ms Judith Resnik (Akron, Ohio) who died in the tragic 1986 explosion of space shuttle Challenger, are from Ohio.﹞

路易斯安那 Louisiana (Statehood: April 30, 1812)
喇叭爵士樂聞名 (A trumpet with musical notes, on the quarter, shows that Jazz music was born in New 
Orleans over a hundred years ago.)
路州交易成大國 (Both Louisiana Purchase and the outline of purchase territory, on the quarter, tells us that Thomas Jefferson bought it for 15 millions in 1803 from Napoleon Bougarte of France, and it created 13 States later.)

印第安那州 ﹝Indiana(Statehood: December 11, 1816)
美國東西个通路﹝Crossroads of America﹞
印地五百名賽車﹝The race car on the quarter presents INDY 500.﹞

密西西比州﹝Mississippi﹞(Statehood: December 10, 1817)
美名為木蘭花州﹝The Magnolia State﹞
花靚白淨又大蕊﹝The large showy white flowers as big as 15 inches across, displaying the beauty and elegance of the State flowers, Magnolia.﹞

伊利諾﹝Illinois有慶 (Statehood:  December 3, 1818; Land of Lincoln)
第二十一州入聯﹝The 21st State to ratify the constitution.﹞
農商雙贏林肯﹝On the quarter, check Illinois farm scene on the left and Chicago skyline on the right.﹞

阿拉巴馬州﹝Alabama﹞(Statehood: December 14, 1819)
海倫凱勒个故鄉﹝Helen Keller read a lot of books in her life by finger through braille.﹞
盲啞學者啟發人﹝Spirit of Courage﹞


緬因州﹝Maine﹞(Statehood: March 15, 1820; The Pine tree State is a nickname)
燈塔林立引船隻﹝There are 65 lighthouses in the State along sea coast of the Atlantic Ocean.﹞
三帆船老當益壯  (The 132 feet schooner with three masts was built in 1900 and is still in service under American flag along the East coast.﹞

密蘇里Missouri拱門Statehood: August 10, 1821;拱門=Gateway arch in St. Louis City
1804 探險隊  Corps of Discovery formed in 1804; Lewis and Clark Expedition from 1804 to 1806
阿肯色Arkansas資源Statehood: June 15, 1836
稻米、獵鴨冠全國﹝獵鴨=Duck hunting
州產鑽石等汝尋The crater of Diamond State Park welcomes tourists to hunt for the gem.

密西根Michigan州湖, (Statehood: January 26, 1837)
州接世界四大湖Lakes Michigan, Superior, Huron, Erie but Ontario
商運直通大西洋through St. Lawrence Bay

佛羅里達州Florida, (Statehood: March 3, 1845)
十六世紀大帆船16th Century Spanish Galleon
發現號探險太空Gateway to Discovery

徳克薩斯州﹝Texas﹞(Statehood: December 25, 1845)
孤星在天示友誼﹝Lone Star State; Tejas is an American Indian word for "friendship"﹞

愛荷華﹝Iowa重視 (Statehood: December 28, 1846; Foundation in Education)
孩童教育第一州  (Note: The image on the quarter shows a one-room school house with a teacher and planting trees.)
顯示村莊價值觀﹝=Small town values﹞

威斯康辛州Wisconsin (Statehood: May 29, 1848)
酪乳產品最有名It's American Dairy Land. There are corns, cows and cheese on the quarter
州訓「前進」打頭陣FORWARD is the State motto, on the quarter, too.


加利福尼亞California(Statehood: September 9, 1850)
優勝美地嫽墨爾Yosemite Valley, John Muir, a renown naturalist, and Condor, a huge and rare bird on the quarter.
美景珍鳥大自然=Natural resources such as Condor, Redwoods, etc.

肯薩斯州產﹝KansasStatehood:January 29, 1861
向日葵顯自然美﹝the natural beauty of sunflowers﹞
水牛展現拓墾史﹝water buffalo give the indication of western frontier/history﹞

山谷溪奇景﹝West Virginia Statehood:June 20, 1863
新河橋樑跨深谷﹝New River Bridge over New River Gorge﹞
西維吉尼亞州靚﹝scenic beauty of Mountain State, the nickname﹞

銀州內華達Nevada Statehood: October 31, 1864; the Silver State is nickname.
日出山雪山艾樹The quarter depicts sunrise, mountain-capped snow, sagebrush and a trio of mustangs.

內布拉斯加Nebraska Statehood: March 1, 1867                                             
牛車拓荒烈日州the quarter depicts a man with a ox-drawn covered wagon under hot heavy sun, and Chimney Rock. 
自然奇觀煙囪石Chimney rock, 445 ft high from base to tip, is a natural wonder from the valley of North Platte River.

科羅拉多州Colorado Statehood: August 1, 1876.
洛磯山脈綠油油Rock mountain with evergreen trees
多采多姿奇景觀Colorful Colorado with the most majestic natural wonder such as Grand Mesa, the largest flat-top mountain in the world.

北達科達州North Dakota Statehood: November 2, 1889.
日落山崗峽谷間Sunset view of the rugged buttes and canyons that help define the State's Badlandregion﹝不毛之地﹞in the background, on the quarter.
野牛絡食滿草原The quarter also depicts the image of two American bison grazing.

南達柯達州South DakotaStatehood: November 2, 1889
四個總統面雕像Presidents Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt and Lincoln
拉莫山頂秀民主Showing Democracy on Mount Rushmore

野牛頭American Bison Skull
象徵蒙他拿Powerful Montana Statehood: November 8, 1889.
一望無際大天地Big Sky Country is its nickname.

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